Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Lights in the world

From Watchman Nee's "Love not the world-
"There is no need for us to give up our secular employments.Far from it,for they are our
mission field.In this matter there are no secular considerations,only spiritual ones.We do not live our lives in separate compartments,as Christians in the Church and as secular beings the rest of the time.
There is not one thing in our profession or in our employment that God intends  should be dissociated from our life as His children.Everything we do,be it in field or highway,in shop,factory,kitchen,hospital or school,has spiritual value in terms of the kingdom of Christ.
Everything is to be claimed for Him.Satan would prefer to have no Christians in any of these places,for they are decidedly his way there.He tries therefore to frighten us out of the world,and if he cannot do that, to get us involved in his world system,thinking in terms,regulating our behaviour by his standards,Either would be a triumph to him.But for us to be in the world,yet with all our hopes,all our interests and all our prospects out of the world,that is satan's defeat and God's glory.
Of Jesus'presence in the world it is written that "the darkness overcame it not "(John 1v5)Nowhere in Scripture does it tell us that we are to overcome it, but it distinctly says we are to overcome the world-it is in relation to the world that it speaks of victory.We are not delivered out of the world,but,being born from above, we have victory over it.And we have that victory in the same sense,and with the same unfailing certainty,that light overcomes darkness.
"Be of good cheer"He said " I have overcome the world (John 14v30)"
Only Jesus could make such a claim,and He could do so because He  could earlier affirm "the prince of this world...hath nothing in Me "(John 14,30) It was the first time that anyone on earth had said such a thing. He said it and He overcame.And through His overcoming the prince of the world was cast out  and Jesus began to draw all men unto Himself.
And because He said it,we dare now to say it too. Because of my new birth,because "whatsoever is begotten of God overcometh the world" I can be in the same world that my Lord was in,and in the same sense as He was  I can be utterly apart from it,a lamp set on a lampstand ,giving light to all who enter the house..As He is,so are we in the world "(1john 4.17) The church glorifies God,not by getting out of the world,but by radiating  His light in it.Heaven is not the place to glorify God; it will be the place to praise Him.The place to glorify Him is here..."

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Spiritual Reality

From Watchman Nee's book on "Spiritual reality or obsession?"
He writes :"One thing which God's people should take note of is that every spiritual matter has its reality before God.If what we have touched  is mere appearance and not reality we shall find that it is of no spiritual value whatsoever.What then is spiritual reality ?
The reality of a spiritual thing is something spiritual,not material.Although spiritual reality is often expressed in words,those words,however many,are not reality.Although spiritual reality needs to be disclosed in our lives, the set formalities of our lives are not reality.Although spiritual reality must be manifested in conduct,human-manufactured pretension is not reality.
What is spiritual reality ? "God is Spirit"(not "a" Spirit or a ghost or He would be one of these floating around !)"and they that worship Him must worship in spirit and truth " The word "truth" means "trueness" or "reality".
The same applies to the following words"Howbeit,when He,the Spirit of truth is come,He shall guide you into all truth " and " it is the Spirit that beareth witness,because the Spirit is the truth "These all reveal that God is Spirit,therefore all related to God is in the Spirit.The Spirit of truth is the Spirit of reality.For this reason,spiritual reality must be in the Spirit.It is that which transcends man and matter.Only what is in the Holy Spirit is spiritually real,because all spiritual things are nurtured in the Holy Spirit.
Once anything is outside the Holy Spirit, it turns into letters and forms which are dead.Spiritual things are real,living and full of life only when they are in the Holy Spirit.It is the Holy Spirit who guides us into all reality<Whatever may be entered into without the guidance of the Holy Spirit is definitely not spiritual reality.All which one can obtain merely by listening or thinking or being emotionally involved is not spiritually real.We must remember that the Holy Spirit is the executor of all spiritual matters.What God does to day is done in the Holy Spirit.Only what the Holy Spirit does is truly real.
Whatever is in the Holy Spirit is real.If anyone touches this reality he obtains life,for life and reality are joined together.Whoever desires to attend to spiritual life must stress spiritual reality.The one who has touched spiritual reality in the Holy Spirit will immediately respond with an amen in his heart whensoever he meets another who has also touched spiritual reality - and vice versa.This what is meant by the words in Ps 42 v 7 "Deep calleth unto deep " It can be said that reality touches reality..."

Monday, May 21, 2012

God's work

Watchman Nee in his book "God's work " writes:
"What is the reason for such appalling shallowness and poverty in ministry these days ?
Because the ministers have experienced very little themselves.
They have managed to dodge the cross whenever God offered it to them.
There is often a way out ,another way that is less costly , a lower path and not the way of the cross.
How few and rare are those who are rich spiritually. And why ? Because their sufferings have not abounded.
God arranges things most perfectly.He knows what kind of sufferings each one needs- whether it be physical,material,mental or spiritual.When God in His wisdom brings it to us because He sees that we need it,let us try to rejoice and see that the Lord is in it.Let us accept it with joy,acknowledging that we are absolutely weak and unequal to it,but that He is gloriously equal to it.He indeed is, and in the circumstances we do find Him in His fullness and sufficiency.We come to really know God because we find Him doing in us and for us what we cannot do.
Thus we are able to minister Him in life to others,to build up the body, to scatter life- His life - wherever we go.Whenever death is really working  in us,just then, and only then can life really flow out to others.

Saturday, May 5, 2012


During my ballet years my mum didn't encourage me to play sport.
It would damage my ankles,ruin my chances at ballet.
But the Salisbury Girl's High School thought otherwise.
Sport was compulsory.
I could swim,play tennis  or hockey.
I would have to do at least two of those.
My best friend Cynthia was very sporty.
A real wizz at whacking balls down the tennis court.
She won the diving and came first at crawl..
She also learned ballet with me and was good at that too.
My Mum bought me a tennis raquet which weighed like lead in my hands,even tho'
it was the lightest racquet we could get.
I got my short little white tennis dress,takkies( canvas shoes to some !) and socks.
I would ride home  for lunch and my Dad dropped me off at the school.
"Eye on the ball" screamed the coach
Of course I couldn't even hit the ball, though.my eyes were never off it.
Dratted thing.
My feet seemed stuck like glue on the court.I could never move fast enough.
After that things got worse to such an extent that the coach asked me to get out of his sight.
Next came swimming.I nearly drowned at our favourite picnic spot "Mermaid's Pool"
Mrs Abz,my swimming teacher ,gave up tussling with me and my swimming belt
and told my Mum I was a hopeless case.
That left hockey...
Cynthia helped me get my hockey uniform and hockey stick.
Before I knew it I was inspanned into her school hockey team.
One thing I could do and that was to run fast.I ran my fastest,dribbling the ball
to the goals.
"You'r running down the wrong way," bellowed Cynthia"turn around and go  the other way "
But too late.
I didn't hear her and proudly shot the goal into the goals.
Well, that was the end of that.
My Mum told me not to try that again.

I would damage my ankles for life, and wouldn't  be able to dance..
Well as it happened I didn't even have to do that any more.
I just had to do what was on God's Agenda.
"Just do your best"was my Mum's favourite slogan
And God's?
"Whatsoever ye do,do it heartily as unto the Lord " Colossians ch 3 v 23