I have come back to find my old friends Jessie Penn-Lewis,Andrew Murray and of course, Watchman Nee...
In her book "life out of death " in which she shares experiences with Madame GUYON, Jessie says in chapter 6 page 83 "It is a misconception of the truth of "death with Christ " to interpret it as meaning a will-less passivity,lack of feeling or an absence of volition (will) in the practical life of the believer...
This passive state is necessary for the practise of Spiritism and many other evil supernatural cults,but the Holy Spirit energizes the human spirit into ACTIVE personality..."
I went into this quite deeply in my search for understanding of Spiritism and read books so I could learn about where all this "channeling " and "power points " could be found in a human being
and where these people could operate on a person claiming to be able to use this power force.I also found that if we act in passivity,without the help of the Holy Spirit- indeed a false self effacement,a loss of our personality,loss of their words or actions,without feeling or sensibility will find that satan will certainly give them "unconsciousness"- a lack of proper concern for themselves or others.
She says " Believers who cease to think,reason,will,remember,love,act,listen,speak -believing that God is to perform all these things for them - really become "non existant" on these points , and open the door for the spurious workings of demons e.g. if a believer expects "love to flow through him with
NO ACTION on his own part,a "spurious love" will be given by evil spirits which will eventually pass away,leaving the person hard and incapabale of feeling...
An inflexible hardness, and the inability to feel for the suffering of others,is an outcome of satan's counterfeit of " crucified with Christ " Or there may be an apathetic inability to come to decisions or to act,and such souls become a dead weight upon the rest of the church of God.
How often suffering is caused to others,and the one who causes it is quite unconscious of having done so.This is a danger point.
For when Christ dwells in you by the Holy Spirit,He releases your sensibilities and quickens them so that you know in a moment if you have said a word of offense to another, and you run to put it right.
If a man walks in the light he stumbles not.He becomes spiritually intelligent in all his relationships with man and with God.That is the victorious life.A life produced by Christ which will bring us down alongside of every human being in need.
This misconception of "self effacement " is the enemy's counterfeit of true self surrender, which yields up to God every faculty of the being, and which the Spirit of God needs for whole hearted co-operation with Him in His purposes for the life of the believer .The fruit of the Spirit....is self control..." There should be at the back of every action a deliberate volition, and full knowledge of what you are saying or doing,as well as the faith that that is what God bids you to do or say.."
Praise our dear Lord that we have the discipline of the Holy Spirit to take some of these things out of us
and to lead us in the "Way everlasting "!
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