Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Eat,eat,eat and drink drink drink !

The title might seem a little strange to you , but that is what a dear friend sent me in a text  message
to wake me up a bit.Made me realise that I was far from drinking and eating the Lord !
That is what all Scripture is about.Eating and drinking the Lord.
Not eating and drinking and making merry around the christmas tree.
And to cap it all she included a Scripture in John chapter 6 verse 57 where Jesus said " As the living
Father has sent Me and I live because of the Father,so he who eats Me shall live because of Me "
It took me quite a while before I could get the last bit " so he who eats Me shall live because of Me "
into my human spirit.
It was when I started to realise that Christ Himself is the Word things began to happen. Then when
 the Holy Spirit actually breathed the Word into my spirit I realised they were life giving words.
I also saw how important my human spirit is to God. Every one of us has a human spirit,but we
don't know how to exercise it and it just sits like stone until we ask God for help.It is  His hearts desire
for mankind to talk to Him,to fellowship with Him and help Him to fight the enemy.So He will
quickly answer our cry.
Our spirit (with a small s)  is vital for our prayer life,warfare and worship. Without it we are dumb clucks,
and  our songs are dreary and depressing , our understanding of Scripture is just not there.
OH! What a day when  the seeking Spirit found my spirit and I learnt how to read the Bible properly and to pray real heartfelt prayers....may  we all touch the Life giving Spirit  who will polish
and shine us as living stones, on our way to the New Jerusalem...

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