Sunday, September 16, 2012


Fransesca sat on the kitchen steps,looking out at the field behind.
She felt even angrier than yesterday ,as she watched Teddy,her little scottish terrier
chasing flying ants.Yapping sharply as they escaped.
She wished she was a dog.
So she could catch Egbert and his rotten   bull terrier and his fat pig of a daughter,Poppy
She'd snap them all up in a trice  and they'd be no more.
But there they were.
In her father's house.
taking over all that was in it,after her father had died.
And her mother.
Why couldn't she see what a rotter he was.
Fransesca would never be able to call him Dad,
He wasn't even a step Dad,because he didn't believe in getting married.
"'S da worst drag in da world"he barked in his raspy voice " never catch me at it !"
That,of course, was after he had mesmerised her mother.Before that he had even promised
to marry her !
Then he slept with her.
Then he brought  his fat stodge of a daughter  with him.
And his monstruous dog ,it's black head as though it had been dipped into
black ink.It reminded  her of a stuffed pig gone wrong,an evil one at that.
"Fransesca " Granny's sweet voice wafted  down the stairs " tea time,dear "
"Coming " she called back,whistling for Teddy ,who came bounding towards her
tail wagging furiously.
"Hurry,dear " Granny called again " or you'll be late for ballet "
Ballet ! She'd almost forgotten ,drank down her juice and grabbed her tuna sandwich,
leaping up stairs to her room in one movement
"What's up, retard ?"Poppy's squeaky pig voice called from the bed next to hers.
"I'm going to ballet  " Fransesca took out her leotard and began changing into it
"Ah.I'm coming too ,don't forget " Poppy squeaked through a mouthful of chips" my Daddy
paid for me to join too "
Fransesca's face fell as she looked at herself in the mirror.Of all the worst things - to have to put up
with Poppy in her ballet class.
She combed her thick brown hair into a pony tail and began pinning it up.
"You'd better hurry then,I'm leaving now ",Fransesca winced,wishing she could leave Poppy behind.
Unfortuantely Fransesca and Poppy were the same age and did most things together - and now ballet.
Fransesca's uncle Bob had met Egbert at church.He seemed well liked by the people Bob knew and was supposed to be a  real "Wizz mechanic " Helping people fix their cars,buses and taxis. Always right there on hand to help.
Then Uncle Bob and his wife Tess had offered him accomodation in their tiny modest two bedroomed
Egbert and his girl friend had moved in.
They had occupied Uncle Bob's second small bedroom and his two girls had moved  their double
bunks into their parent's bedroom.
They'd all lived  in these squashed conditions for four months.
Then,with all he'd managed to save by staying free at Uncle Bob's house for so long,managed to start his own business.
By this time Poppy had arrived.A squawling, fat pig of a baby.Always demanding food and attention.
Then Egbert and his family moved out  to a place of their own.
Instead of being grateful  to Uncle BOB,egbert incited his girlfriend to attack Tess for no reason at all.
Fransesca still did not know why.
Then  Egbert had got tired of his girl friend and booted her out saying she was "good for nothing
and a useless mother "
Taken himself off and got another place for himself and Poppy.
All the while he'd been going to church where he still seemed to be the local " goody two shoes "
There he met and seduced Fransesca's mother,moved into her house and brought his horrible entourage with him.
"Come on dear,or you'ss miss the bus " Granny called
Poppy appeared,fat bulging on all sides of her leotard and rolled down the stairs"I'm comin,I'm comin " she squealed,picking herself up.
" Oh Daddy ! Why did you have to leave us with this ?" Fransesca sighed sorrowfully"Why why!"
She picked up her togbag and made for the door  ( to be continued )

Saturday, August 18, 2012

A misconception of "surrender"

I have come back to find my old friends Jessie Penn-Lewis,Andrew Murray and of course, Watchman Nee...
In her book "life out of death " in which she shares experiences with Madame GUYON, Jessie says in chapter 6 page 83 "It is a misconception of the truth of "death with Christ " to interpret it as meaning a will-less passivity,lack of feeling or an absence of volition (will) in the practical life of the believer...
This passive state is necessary for the practise of Spiritism and many other evil supernatural cults,but the Holy Spirit energizes the human spirit into ACTIVE personality..."
I went into this quite deeply in my search for understanding of Spiritism and  read books so I could learn about where all this "channeling " and "power points " could be found in a human  being
and where these people could operate on a person  claiming to be able to use this power force.I also found that if  we act in passivity,without the help of the Holy Spirit- indeed a false self effacement,a loss of our personality,loss of their words  or actions,without feeling or sensibility will find that satan will certainly give them "unconsciousness"- a lack of proper concern for themselves or others.
She says " Believers  who cease to think,reason,will,remember,love,act,listen,speak -believing that God is to perform all these things for them - really become "non existant" on these points , and open the door for the spurious workings of demons e.g. if a believer expects "love to flow through  him with
NO ACTION on his own part,a "spurious love" will be given by evil spirits which will eventually pass away,leaving the person hard and incapabale of feeling...
An inflexible hardness,  and the inability to feel for the suffering of others,is an outcome of satan's counterfeit of " crucified with Christ " Or there may be an apathetic inability to come to decisions or to act,and such souls become a dead weight upon the rest of the church of God.
How often suffering is caused to others,and the one who causes it is quite unconscious of having done so.This is a danger point.
For when  Christ dwells in you by the Holy Spirit,He releases your sensibilities and quickens them so that you know in a moment  if you have said a word of offense to another, and you run to put it right.
If a man walks in the light he stumbles not.He becomes spiritually intelligent in all his relationships with man and with God.That is the victorious life.A  life produced by Christ which will bring us down alongside of every human being in need.
This misconception of "self effacement " is the enemy's counterfeit of true self surrender, which yields up to God every faculty of the being, and which the Spirit of God needs for whole hearted co-operation with Him in His purposes for the life of the believer .The fruit of the self control..." There should be at the back of every action a deliberate volition, and full knowledge of what you are saying or doing,as well as the  faith that that is what God bids you to do or say.."
Praise our dear Lord that we have the discipline of the Holy Spirit to take some of these things out of us
and to lead us in the "Way everlasting "!

Friday, July 6, 2012

A Home for your spirit

For Lianne O Connor
Who left us on the morning of 30th June 2012

Jesus went to  prepare a place for you
Of many mansions
Where you are now "not found naked"
where you are clothed
In your new spiritual body
Have no more pain
Where you await
The great Resurrection Day
Of the Lord Jesus

John 14 v's 1-3
v3"And if I go and prepare a place for you
I will come again
And receive you unto Myself
That where I am
There you may be also ..."
2Corinthians ch 5 verses 3,4
"For we know that ,if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved
we have a building  of God
A house not made with hands,eternal in the heavens...
v3"if so be that being clothed
we shall not be found naked..."

Sunday, July 1, 2012

our children

The  abundance of life  is not a matter of doctrine,but is a matter of how much we have gone through before  God
And therefore how much we can supply the church.
There is no gold which has not  passed through fire
no precious stones that have not  gone through darkness
no pearl that has not encountered suffering...

Teaching our children
How to face the Cross
Is the most treasured
Lesson for them
To learn in life

Saturday, June 23, 2012


Through many trials we become
Chosen  vessels for God
He will seek us out,set us aside
and keep us
Through the circumstances of our lives
Keep us from wandering
Into the broad road of the flesh
So to turn our backs
On H'ai,the rubbish dump of our souls
To forever face the light of Bethel
The House of God
And say with Paul
"I bear in my body
The marks of the Lord Jesus "

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Lights in the world

From Watchman Nee's "Love not the world-
"There is no need for us to give up our secular employments.Far from it,for they are our
mission field.In this matter there are no secular considerations,only spiritual ones.We do not live our lives in separate compartments,as Christians in the Church and as secular beings the rest of the time.
There is not one thing in our profession or in our employment that God intends  should be dissociated from our life as His children.Everything we do,be it in field or highway,in shop,factory,kitchen,hospital or school,has spiritual value in terms of the kingdom of Christ.
Everything is to be claimed for Him.Satan would prefer to have no Christians in any of these places,for they are decidedly his way there.He tries therefore to frighten us out of the world,and if he cannot do that, to get us involved in his world system,thinking in terms,regulating our behaviour by his standards,Either would be a triumph to him.But for us to be in the world,yet with all our hopes,all our interests and all our prospects out of the world,that is satan's defeat and God's glory.
Of Jesus'presence in the world it is written that "the darkness overcame it not "(John 1v5)Nowhere in Scripture does it tell us that we are to overcome it, but it distinctly says we are to overcome the world-it is in relation to the world that it speaks of victory.We are not delivered out of the world,but,being born from above, we have victory over it.And we have that victory in the same sense,and with the same unfailing certainty,that light overcomes darkness.
"Be of good cheer"He said " I have overcome the world (John 14v30)"
Only Jesus could make such a claim,and He could do so because He  could earlier affirm "the prince of this world...hath nothing in Me "(John 14,30) It was the first time that anyone on earth had said such a thing. He said it and He overcame.And through His overcoming the prince of the world was cast out  and Jesus began to draw all men unto Himself.
And because He said it,we dare now to say it too. Because of my new birth,because "whatsoever is begotten of God overcometh the world" I can be in the same world that my Lord was in,and in the same sense as He was  I can be utterly apart from it,a lamp set on a lampstand ,giving light to all who enter the house..As He is,so are we in the world "(1john 4.17) The church glorifies God,not by getting out of the world,but by radiating  His light in it.Heaven is not the place to glorify God; it will be the place to praise Him.The place to glorify Him is here..."

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Spiritual Reality

From Watchman Nee's book on "Spiritual reality or obsession?"
He writes :"One thing which God's people should take note of is that every spiritual matter has its reality before God.If what we have touched  is mere appearance and not reality we shall find that it is of no spiritual value whatsoever.What then is spiritual reality ?
The reality of a spiritual thing is something spiritual,not material.Although spiritual reality is often expressed in words,those words,however many,are not reality.Although spiritual reality needs to be disclosed in our lives, the set formalities of our lives are not reality.Although spiritual reality must be manifested in conduct,human-manufactured pretension is not reality.
What is spiritual reality ? "God is Spirit"(not "a" Spirit or a ghost or He would be one of these floating around !)"and they that worship Him must worship in spirit and truth " The word "truth" means "trueness" or "reality".
The same applies to the following words"Howbeit,when He,the Spirit of truth is come,He shall guide you into all truth " and " it is the Spirit that beareth witness,because the Spirit is the truth "These all reveal that God is Spirit,therefore all related to God is in the Spirit.The Spirit of truth is the Spirit of reality.For this reason,spiritual reality must be in the Spirit.It is that which transcends man and matter.Only what is in the Holy Spirit is spiritually real,because all spiritual things are nurtured in the Holy Spirit.
Once anything is outside the Holy Spirit, it turns into letters and forms which are dead.Spiritual things are real,living and full of life only when they are in the Holy Spirit.It is the Holy Spirit who guides us into all reality<Whatever may be entered into without the guidance of the Holy Spirit is definitely not spiritual reality.All which one can obtain merely by listening or thinking or being emotionally involved is not spiritually real.We must remember that the Holy Spirit is the executor of all spiritual matters.What God does to day is done in the Holy Spirit.Only what the Holy Spirit does is truly real.
Whatever is in the Holy Spirit is real.If anyone touches this reality he obtains life,for life and reality are joined together.Whoever desires to attend to spiritual life must stress spiritual reality.The one who has touched spiritual reality in the Holy Spirit will immediately respond with an amen in his heart whensoever he meets another who has also touched spiritual reality - and vice versa.This what is meant by the words in Ps 42 v 7 "Deep calleth unto deep " It can be said that reality touches reality..."

Monday, May 21, 2012

God's work

Watchman Nee in his book "God's work " writes:
"What is the reason for such appalling shallowness and poverty in ministry these days ?
Because the ministers have experienced very little themselves.
They have managed to dodge the cross whenever God offered it to them.
There is often a way out ,another way that is less costly , a lower path and not the way of the cross.
How few and rare are those who are rich spiritually. And why ? Because their sufferings have not abounded.
God arranges things most perfectly.He knows what kind of sufferings each one needs- whether it be physical,material,mental or spiritual.When God in His wisdom brings it to us because He sees that we need it,let us try to rejoice and see that the Lord is in it.Let us accept it with joy,acknowledging that we are absolutely weak and unequal to it,but that He is gloriously equal to it.He indeed is, and in the circumstances we do find Him in His fullness and sufficiency.We come to really know God because we find Him doing in us and for us what we cannot do.
Thus we are able to minister Him in life to others,to build up the body, to scatter life- His life - wherever we go.Whenever death is really working  in us,just then, and only then can life really flow out to others.

Saturday, May 5, 2012


During my ballet years my mum didn't encourage me to play sport.
It would damage my ankles,ruin my chances at ballet.
But the Salisbury Girl's High School thought otherwise.
Sport was compulsory.
I could swim,play tennis  or hockey.
I would have to do at least two of those.
My best friend Cynthia was very sporty.
A real wizz at whacking balls down the tennis court.
She won the diving and came first at crawl..
She also learned ballet with me and was good at that too.
My Mum bought me a tennis raquet which weighed like lead in my hands,even tho'
it was the lightest racquet we could get.
I got my short little white tennis dress,takkies( canvas shoes to some !) and socks.
I would ride home  for lunch and my Dad dropped me off at the school.
"Eye on the ball" screamed the coach
Of course I couldn't even hit the ball, eyes were never off it.
Dratted thing.
My feet seemed stuck like glue on the court.I could never move fast enough.
After that things got worse to such an extent that the coach asked me to get out of his sight.
Next came swimming.I nearly drowned at our favourite picnic spot "Mermaid's Pool"
Mrs Abz,my swimming teacher ,gave up tussling with me and my swimming belt
and told my Mum I was a hopeless case.
That left hockey...
Cynthia helped me get my hockey uniform and hockey stick.
Before I knew it I was inspanned into her school hockey team.
One thing I could do and that was to run fast.I ran my fastest,dribbling the ball
to the goals.
"You'r running down the wrong way," bellowed Cynthia"turn around and go  the other way "
But too late.
I didn't hear her and proudly shot the goal into the goals.
Well, that was the end of that.
My Mum told me not to try that again.

I would damage my ankles for life, and wouldn't  be able to dance..
Well as it happened I didn't even have to do that any more.
I just had to do what was on God's Agenda.
"Just do your best"was my Mum's favourite slogan
And God's?
"Whatsoever ye do,do it heartily as unto the Lord " Colossians ch 3 v 23

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Through and out !

I always hated knitting.
Mostly because,at the time,it was something
I didn't ever want to do
But my mother,bless her heart,
Had other ideas.
She inspanned the help of
My Aunty Ann
Now Aunty Ann was a stickler for detail,
A fanatical gold-medalist Gardener
Who always wore a khaki cap
with a flowing back neck-piece
For protection against
the hot African sun,and which we kids
thought absolutely hilarious...
But Aunty Ann was cleverer than we thought
"See that nice scarf" she pointed at a pretty red and blue
Knitted scarf hanging behind the dining room door
"Like to make one like it ?"
I hummed and hawed,"Yes, I can  try "
I said, staring at her khaki cap neck piece
" I'll try "
Out came the giant sized knitting needles,red and blue wool.
Straightaway we set to work
I was all fingers and thumbs
Until after desperate days I began
to get the hang of first "casting on "
And then learning the main stitches..
and Purl
"Left hand down" shouted Aunty Ann,
Her wrinkled weather beaten face gleaming
Slowly,laboriously  these words became a chant
Which I found myself repeating through the day
And woke up saying  in the morning..
And I learned to knit...
Day by day I came to manage the plain stitches
But Oh my !...the PURL!
Many a tantrum and a
throwing down of knitting paraphanalia !
Later I somehow managed the  dreaded Purl
After many a-pulling out and a re-knitting
We managed to get me to knit
My first scarf
Slightly Hol-ey,Puckered
From dropped stitches in some places
But nevertheless
A scarf !
i don't know what happened to it-
but I can still remember to
"through and Out"
When it comes to finishing something..
And know that no matter
How incapable we are,when we start to learn
To walk in His footsteps
And no matter how many stitches we drop
We will be "Through and Out"
In the  End !

Sunday, April 22, 2012

The clay

Once I took up pottery
and tried to make pots and plates
It never worked.
I could never pour in a perfect mould.
because when a Potter pours in clay
Into a mould
He knows exactly how much
To pour in.
All of it.
Like all of the righteousness
which is Christ
He gives to us.
We  have it.
A free gift-
We are the clay
He is the Great Potter.
Jesus had to live in a body of clay
Like ours
Only His was perfect.
But He had all the emotions
He had eyes to see
All the lust and sin of the world
Ears to hear all their condemning and mocking cries
A nose to smell all the stench
And filth of their sweating sin
He saw,felt,heard the very things we do to day...
A seed
 does not grow unless it has come
From a fruit that once lived
Once it dies ,it can fall into the ground
And begin to sprout..
But does that seed whine and cry
as it begins to bud ?
Does a baby  leopard feel the pain of its growth
And howl with pain ?
We do,naturally..
But if we die with  the Lord
We are not ashamed- even though we do
Howl sometimes with the pain of it
But There is NOW no condemnation
No Mocking
We learn  to sprint ahead
With all our might
For the prize of the High Calling
Which becomes ours in Christ Jesus
We run,carrying the pain,the fear
We run carrying it
Not throwing it out with the bath water
Because we know that the cross of shame
That Jesus bore in His body
He didn't have to do it
He could have turned to His Deity and Power
But He didn't
Because He knew if He did
He would never have  overcome satan's rebellion
Never have created mankind  to replace him on earth
And never been able to send the Spirit at Pentecost
To give us salvation through eternal Life...

The flying tablecloth

When I was twelve years old
I wanted to fly.
So I took my mother's tablecoth
and tied each corner with a piece of string
I joined them all into one bunch
Then holding on to the bunch of string
I took down the old wooden ladder
And climbed the garage roof..
I jumped !
I remember coming a bit of a cropper
But never really hurting myself.
Perhaps if I had
I would never have tried it again !
How many times,since then,
Have I tried to fly
by myself
The wind  of the Holy Spirit...


Christ died
That we may live.
It is only through
HIS being our Righteousness
that we are made righteous
We can't just grab at it
It takes a lifetime.
God expects us to
Grab hold of
His righteousness first
What is righteousness ?
In 1 Corinthians ch 1 v 30 it says
"Of God , are ye in Christ Jesus
Who was made unto us
Wisdom - from God,and rightousness
And sanctification
And redemption "
Without His rightousness
We dare not face God


Friends may come
And friends may go
But God chooses

Oh Lord

Oh Lord
Help us each one
To stand alone
Before You
'Til day is done
And the battle won

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Gospel or the devil's pill?

when my mother died
Part of me died  with her.
My whole world collapsed.
I had a nervous breakdown and began taking tranquilisers..
The devil's pill
That was 46 years ago.
Now I have refused the devil's pill.
My mind has cleared,almost as if a veil of smog
had been lifted from it
The devil has specially designed the tranquilisers and sleeping pills
To blot out man's thinking mind.
Then through the confusion and fog
he can gradually come to control the way you think
In certain aspects.
That is to think like an anti christ
which is his son,that is who the anti christ is
He plotted this ever since he rebelled,in Genesis chapter 1 verse 2.
Then it was that the Almighty God had to Re- create
the world that he had first created in Gensis chapter 1 verse 1.
Causing a devastating "Genesis Gap"
God had to first destroy the world "that then was "
And then Re-create it.
God did this specifaclly so that He could
Create mankind.
Mankind would then become God's tool in destroying the works of the devil
All this time God knew that He would send
His only "Begotten" Son,Jesus Christ,the Messiah to earth
Why was Jesus sent in the form of a Man?
For this very purpose in 1John3 verse 5 "ye know that He was made manifest to
take away our sins" and the works of the devil
1Timothy 3 verse 16 says "God was made manifest in the flesh "
God specifical;y designed Jesus for the purpose of defeating satan.
Mankind was also specifically designed for the same purpose...

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Keith Niven (@HorisonCon) is now following you on Twitter!


Keith Niven @HorisonCon is now following you (@nivenenid).

An inspirational writer,with a heart for events occurring in the centre of the world...The Middle East.
Pretoria East, South Africa
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Keith Niven (@HorisonCon) replied to one of your Tweets!


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@nivenenid running wild and woolly I take it then
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@HorisonCon -hullo the Teuks ! I am on tweetie now...tweeeeeting granox xxxx
Apr 03, 3:16 AM via web
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Monday, April 2, 2012

Born to die

The Lord Jesus was
And so are we
To die spiritually is not chocolates and easter eggs,parties and barbecues- it is"
bearing  about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus,that the life also of Jesus might be made
manifest in our body " (" Corinthians 2 v 10) and verse 12 says " So then death worketh in me,but Life in you "
Why should WE die  too ? why not just believe that Jesus died for us ?
And go on in our jolly "hockey sticks " way ,living ,drinking that drink,dancing that dance and
go on in our unrighteous ways ?
Not forgiving,not facing up to our lives in Christ ? Just letting Jesus do it for us-
even going to church,Bible studies ,doing really "deep " studies ...
It says "then DEATH worketh in me,but Life in you "
Does that mean to ignore what the Scriptures  say and still go on our own way,
working out our own kind of death-not actually DOING what the Scriptures say ?
In a few places Paul says " God forbid"!
He,Paul, says in Galatians ch 6 verse 17  "  I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus "
Consider this. Day by day,minute by minute trial by heavy trial,walking along the strait and narrow way.
We say "Oh but Jesus was God ,that's why He could carry the cross .."
Actually,He refused His Deity on a number of occasions - think on that !
He refused the fact that He could draw on the Power of God instead of His own flesh,His emotions,His senses...
in the Garden of Gethsemane,He could have refused the Cup of suffering and drawn on
the power of God's Spirit.
Yet He refused it and said " Not My will but Thine "
In John chapter 4 He could have succumed to satan's temptations but He told the devil
The Lord rebuke thee ", and went on in the desert ...
He BORE these things in His Body for us...
The wicked ones,the sinners,born to sin.
How is it that each one of us at some stage run away from facing up to people
we have wronged,or situations that face us - instead of kneeling to pray with the discipline of
the Holy Spirit...
Asking for forgiveness until we can come to a breakthrough in our spirits,
Keep on asking,going through our trials
Bearing about in our bodies,our emotions and fears,
Knowing that our Lord Jesus Bore the very same things
For us..
He had to do this
So that the whole of mankind
Could be forgiven for all their unrighteousness
We cannot better that by all our works,our achievements,even our prayers,bible studies and doctrines..
HE is our righteousness
Not will be
So we can each carry our own burdens through life faithfully to the Lord Jesus
Through the wonderful Helper,comforter,guide..the Holy Spirit given at Pentecost
after Jesus had ascended to the Right Hand of the Father...
All for us,the sinners

Monday, March 26, 2012

The Path...

My dancing years
taught me
How to work hard
Towards perfection

My nursing years taught me how
To subject myself
to discipline
yet to love and to care...

Marriage taught me
To accept and love
My husband and children
as God's own choice
For my life

My writing days
Taught me
How to pour out
My heart
And my life
to God

Jimmy's death taught me
To walk alone
With God
And pray

That I may spend my
Twilight years
Serving God
And serving
His church

So now
I can begin to say
I want nothing
For myself
And everything
For God

Friday, March 23, 2012

watchman nee

I am reading Watchman Nee's book "The Glory of His Life "
He says that Righteousness is God's way of working..God uses the cross to save us. The cross is the price which God pays for us,uses it to repay His Law so that He can justly save us..we  were born to  PAY BACK to God
what satan  did  in the Garden of eden.
We must PAY BACK to God what statan did when he destroyed the world  in Genesis chapter 1 verse 2.
Why did God then have to RECREATE the world ??
He created  us so that we could be BORN AGAIN by His Spirit..born to OVERCOME satan and his evil
The only Man  who could do this was the Messiah Jesus Christ,who poured out His life for us,that we may come to know Him who is the only Way,the only Truth and the only Way...
We can choose which way we follow- We can choose the easy way in huge churches  but  we miss the strait and narrow way of the cross.
  - we need to be a part of the Body which is the church,yes... and we need to seek the
INFILLING of the Spirit of God... so we  can  learn to   GO THROUGH
,the hurts and the upsets of life and learn to walk in the Spirit, so we can seek the Scriptures  for our very own ,so we can
 " work out  our OWN salvation in fear and trembling "
Becuase NOBODY  else can be YOU with the same problems YOU or I have !